Practice Mission Statement
In an environment of academic excellence and clinical expertise we aim to offer you total care. Our treatments range from regular maintenance to full mouth rehabilitation.
The practice policy is Preventative Care, which is why we value the services of our hygienists so much. We believe that excellent oral hygiene is the foundation of good oral health. It is from this building block that we are able to treat more complicated situations. Every dental check-up is also an oral screening. We don’t just check the teeth and gums but carefully check the oral tissues.
Most of the specialities in dentistry are dealt with ‘in house’ where my colleagues and I are able to discuss your treatment plan and reach a better and faster decision. Communication when working together on our patients is vital as it ensures that your care, apart from being our primary objective, is a continual learning experience for us all. This is done through the continuing education of all the practitioners and the sharing of knowledge.
We want you to ask us as many questions as you like, and we hope to assure you that when you visit the practice you will feel informed and comfortable about your treatment.